[CLOSED] Movement and religion
What: Our next issue, on the theme of ‘Movement and religion’, to be published in December 2021.
For this issue, we are looking for proposals that address the topic of movement and religion in any of its forms.
For religions, movement has been essential. Oftentimes, it has been their integral component, such as with prescribed pilgrimages to holy sites. At other times, they have used it for proselytising, spreading their teachings across continents to different peoples and cultures. These influences have run both ways and religions have also been affected by the encounters and shaped by them into new local forms.
The opposite can also be true: faith or spirituality can be a key source of sustenance for people on the move, physically (e.g. when receiving shelter or provisions from religious groups) or spiritually, as a source of hope. Religious leaders often operate as cultural brokers, facilitating or shaping the incorporation of newcomers into receiving societies. At the same time, religion can also be the basis for persecution, forcing people into exile or advocating for an exclusion of (migrant) minorities, and it can cause generational conflict within migrant communities or, compounded with segregation, become a source of radicalisation.
Your proposal may address some of these questions – or any other ones related to the topic:
How has migration influenced religion and spirituality through history? How do migrant communities relate to histories and memories of religion-driven displacement?
In which ways is movement integrated into religious dogmas and practices? How are religion and spirituality recontextualised in ‘modern’ and ‘mobile’ spaces and encounters? How do cultural discussions and productions reflect these shifts?
Where and how does religion/spirituality affect and inform the experiences of marginalised minorities, refugees, and immigrants?
How do migrants reclaim or reject religious differences and hybridised beliefs as identity markers and instruments for community building? How do religious actors mediate (im)mobility and in/exclusion?
We are particularly interested in publishing work that lifts up the voices of people on the move and exploring (im)mobility in its many varied forms.
We are also keen on receiving pieces that analyse current news about migration and (im)mobility, or reflect on cultural developments related to these topics.
Articles should address a broad audience, made of experts and non-experts, and should be originally written in English or Spanish.
When: The deadline for proposals has been extended until 5 November.
How: If you are interested in proposing a submission for this issue, please send us a short abstract no longer than 250 words via email to: RoutedMagazine@gmail.com. We would also like to hear about your relationship to migration and mobility (if you are a migrant, a researcher, a student, a practitioner...).

Article guidelines:
The length of the piece should be between 700 and 1000 words.
The article should consistently use British spelling and grammar, if you’re writing in English.
The simpler the language the better. Try to briefly explain or add links to any concepts, organisations, policies… introduced in the article.
Concepts and cited works/legislation/articles should be inserted in the article as hyperlinks.
All acronyms should be specified in parentheses.
Some notes on the publication process:
Once you send us your proposal, we will get back to you after the deadline for all submissions (5 November).
- First drafts are due on 19 November, for publication on 18 December. After you send us your first draft, your editor will get back to you with their comments, which you will review before publication.
- The article will be translated and promoted on social media.
We understand this topic may be highly sensitive. If any writer wishes to remain anonymous, we commit to protecting their identity.
Please be aware that any opinions you express in your article will be yours alone and not reflect Routed's general stance.