FFVT summer school: Displacement, governance and human rights
Who: A collaboration between Routed Magazine and FFVT:
Routed Magazine is an online publication on migration and (im)mobility. Bridging the divide between specialist academic literature on human mobility and popular portrayals of migration in the media, Routed Magazine hopes to bring a fresh, critical perspective to the study of how and why people move, as well as the contexts of mobility.
FFVT is a project that aims to strengthen interdisciplinary research on forced migration and refugees in and beyond Germany. To this end, the project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), brings together research on migration, development, conflict and violence, climate change, health, governance and human rights. FFVT supports the networking of researchers and institutes working in all relevant research fields involved with forced migration.
What: A special issue, on the theme of ‘Displacement, governance and human rights’, to be published in September 2022 in Routed Magazine in collaboration with FFVT.
We invite participants, lecturers and organisers of the 2022 FFVT summer school to contribute to this special issue, which will mirror its topics and debates. Following a week of discussions on refugee protection regimes across the world, this issue will gather the research and ideas shared during the summer school, aiming to continue the dialogue and inspire new paths of inquiry and reflection.
For this special issue, we invite contributors to reflect on the main three areas of discussion in this summer school:
The history, laws and policies of refuge. How have refugee protection regimes evolved in recent history, and how are they shaping future horizons? How do they translate at the local, national, regional and global levels?
Issues of gender and identity in displacement. How do gender and displacement intersect? In which ways do borders connect, divide and shape collective forms of belonging?
The implications of art and knowledge production surrounding refuge. How does art contribute to expressing and understanding displacement? How do media portrayals of refugees and migrants shape political and legal narratives around displacement? What are the best ways to ensure ethics remains at the core of research and development work?
Articles should address a broad audience, made of experts and non-experts, and should be originally written in English or Spanish. We are also open to publishing work in other formats, such as visual art pieces or posters.
When: The deadline for proposals is 30 July 2022.
How: If you are interested in proposing a submission for this issue, please send us a short abstract no longer than 250 words via email to: RoutedMagazine@gmail.com. We would also like to hear about your relationship to migration and mobility (if you are a migrant, a researcher, a student, a practitioner...).

Article guidelines:
The length of the piece should be between 700 and 1000 words.
The article should consistently use British spelling and grammar, if you’re writing in English.
The simpler the language the better. Try to briefly explain or add links to any concepts, organisations, policies… introduced in the article.
Concepts and cited works/legislation/articles should be inserted in the article as hyperlinks.
All acronyms should be specified in parentheses.
Some notes on the publication process:
Once you send us your proposal, we will get back to you after the deadline for all submissions (30 July 2022).
- First drafts are due on 20 August, for publication on 17 September. After you send us your first draft, your editor will get back to you with their comments, which you will review before publication.
- The article will be translated and promoted on social media.
We understand this topic may be highly sensitive. If any writer wishes to remain anonymous, we commit to protecting their identity.
Please be aware that any opinions you express in your article will be yours alone and not reflect Routed's or FFVT’s general stance.